Welcome To My World!!!

Hi, whoever it is that has stumbled across my lil' old blog. This is my own little world inside this blog. I hope to try to include as many games, contests, quizzes, and more fun stuff that will keep you interested enough to perhaps follow my blog. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, or to email or talk to me about becoming a member of this wonderful blog! So enjoy my blog!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Fellow readers, (Yes, all two of you!) I am sad to say that ... *shudders*... school is starting in 6 days! I absolutely can't believe it! A new town, a new school, moving up divisions. One of the following things wouldn't be so bad on its own, but all three together make for one nervous girl. I mean, I am not 'scared' but this is a heck of a lot to deal with all at once. I'm going to going into this on my own... it reminds of the lyrics to a song by House of Heroes (They rock by the way!):
...We find our way back home. And though I hold your hand, all most go alone.
I know I am not completely alone, I mean I still have my family, and I will be in huge crowds of kids, but it will be hard, that I will be just one kid out of three hundred and fifty kids in ONLY grades 7 & 8. I am sure I will be fine though. But the school is so big, that I am pretty confident I will get lost that first day and will never be seen again. So if you would like to have some of my stuff, call me and we can chat a little before I disappear forever.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


hey I got some new stuff to add on to my already wonderful blog (hehehe). Around once a week I will add a post with information on random topics. It will be very informational! (I am so sorry for any... *shudder*... learning you may experience while reading!) So now some of the polls will be about which topics I will do. There will always be three topics listed that i could write about, and one option will be.... DRUM ROLL, PLEASE!.......... The Wheel of Random Topics!, which will have different random topis on it and i will spin it to choose. WEEEEEE! i like spinning things!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, its probably only two or three people going to read this, but still....
So, I am having a fantabulous summer how about u? I am LOVIN freedom to do stuff! YAY!!!!
What is ur favourite thing about summer???? answer the ONE thing about summer u love most, and then tell me what thing is MY favourite thing about summer! The first one to answer both correctly, wins a prize! YAY PRIZES!!!!
So thast pretty much it. comment if u have any ideas on what to write about.