Welcome To My World!!!

Hi, whoever it is that has stumbled across my lil' old blog. This is my own little world inside this blog. I hope to try to include as many games, contests, quizzes, and more fun stuff that will keep you interested enough to perhaps follow my blog. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, or to email or talk to me about becoming a member of this wonderful blog! So enjoy my blog!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ewwwww. It's school.

Sorry, it has been a while since I wrote. School started, and, well... 'Nuff said. Its quite busy, and insanely... schooly. *Sighs* Oh well. Its summer in Australia, so I might just move to Australia! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know any good books? I am almost finished my book, and will be going to the library, so I need some good books to read. I like fantasy, historical fiction, and mystery books in particluar but am pretty much open to anything. Who likes bananas? Other than monkeys? I like banana-flavoured things, but I don't like bananas. I think its the texture and stuff.
Why was I talking about bananas? I dont know. I dont even like bananas!