Welcome To My World!!!

Hi, whoever it is that has stumbled across my lil' old blog. This is my own little world inside this blog. I hope to try to include as many games, contests, quizzes, and more fun stuff that will keep you interested enough to perhaps follow my blog. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, or to email or talk to me about becoming a member of this wonderful blog! So enjoy my blog!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Countdown to New Year's!

It's New Year's Eve and exactly 3 hours and minutes until 2011. I remember thinking what seemed like no time ago about 2010 and how cool that would be, in the even decade, saying twenty-ten, being an awesome, older age (Can't say how old on the internet. Creepers, you know) all that amazing stuff that seemed a lifetime away. And now we are leaving it all behind. For a new, probably better year though. Wow. Time goes fast. I posted my resolutions in the last one, and I am going to actually keep with them this year, unlike pretty much all my other ones. Keep you posted on how its going. Best of luck with all yours! Happy New Years!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


I do hope you all (and by that I mean Sam and probably my one or two cyber stalkers LOL just kidding) have a wonderful Christmas and a fun New Year. If you have any outstanding plans for the holidays, or fun New Year resolutions, post them here, I would love to hear them. Sorry about the problem commenting Sam, seems to be some weird thing where I have to moderate all comments coming in. I will try and fix it.
My New Year resolutions would probably be..... To participate a bit more in class, particularly French. I am smart, and I know a lot of the answers, but I don't bother to put up my hand to answer a lot of the time. To read my Bible daily. If you think of more I will post them here. I may steal some of your guys' suggestions as well :D
Now to ask a serious question. What exactly is the point of having Boxing Day right after Christmas? Everyone has already bought all their gifts, so everything being a lot cheaper and having sales doesn't really fit does it? Just all a huge part of our consumerism I suppose. Oh well. Merry Christmas, again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hey, all! School got off to a great start, and things are going well. I like all my classes, teachers, and peers, so I don't have anything to complain about. Joining a couple of clubs and starting to volunteer, so I am plenty busy. I can't believe it's October already, though, as I said before time is spiraling by. Starting to think about Halloween, because the media has been pumping it up for like a month already so I figure I might as well get with the program now that it's October. What are you all gonna be? Would love to hear :D

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Aaaaaaah! School! Summer went by way too fast (as did the entire past school year, I was hoping it would slow down for summer, but apparently not). I had a good one, though. Lots of swimming, and we went camping a few times, which was lots of fun. Hung out with friends lots and I was glad to keep up the connection with them. A week today it starts and I feel nervous, excited and just a wee bit scared all at once. I still can't believe I am graduated and moving up like this. Everything has been a whirlwind since.... I can't even remember when it all started :D Very happy, and mostly ready for school, but can one ever truly be ready for the first day? At least I can't. With all the business at the end of the year and summer I haven't been back here for a while but I will try my best to keep up, for my two fans out there. I know how much heartbreak you would go through if I stopped this cute lil' blog ;)
That's all for now! Enjoy the last few days/week(s) of summer everyone! It only comes around once a year for not NEARLY long enough.