Welcome To My World!!!

Hi, whoever it is that has stumbled across my lil' old blog. This is my own little world inside this blog. I hope to try to include as many games, contests, quizzes, and more fun stuff that will keep you interested enough to perhaps follow my blog. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, or to email or talk to me about becoming a member of this wonderful blog! So enjoy my blog!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Happiness and cheer, and all that jazz. SO sorry I havent posted in two months but, let me tell you, it has been hectic. Getting used to the new school (Yes, still!) and everyone in it, and though I will admit there are somethings that truly SUCK like some of my teachers and kids and sometimes having to take the city bus to school is a bit hard, I am enjoying most of it. I now have mostly all the basics down pat, but it is really annoying having to be the new girl again. I can't remember all the different times I had to be the new girl, but I can assure you its been a lot. Its just that feeling like everyone else there knows whats going on, and you don't and you feel kinda dumb having to have everything explained for you. But its not so bad, and I am starting to get the hang of it. So again, like in ym last post, I am asking for any good books you have read, cause Im out.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ewwwww. It's school.

Sorry, it has been a while since I wrote. School started, and, well... 'Nuff said. Its quite busy, and insanely... schooly. *Sighs* Oh well. Its summer in Australia, so I might just move to Australia! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know any good books? I am almost finished my book, and will be going to the library, so I need some good books to read. I like fantasy, historical fiction, and mystery books in particluar but am pretty much open to anything. Who likes bananas? Other than monkeys? I like banana-flavoured things, but I don't like bananas. I think its the texture and stuff.
Why was I talking about bananas? I dont know. I dont even like bananas!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Fellow readers, (Yes, all two of you!) I am sad to say that ... *shudders*... school is starting in 6 days! I absolutely can't believe it! A new town, a new school, moving up divisions. One of the following things wouldn't be so bad on its own, but all three together make for one nervous girl. I mean, I am not 'scared' but this is a heck of a lot to deal with all at once. I'm going to going into this on my own... it reminds of the lyrics to a song by House of Heroes (They rock by the way!):
...We find our way back home. And though I hold your hand, all most go alone.
I know I am not completely alone, I mean I still have my family, and I will be in huge crowds of kids, but it will be hard, that I will be just one kid out of three hundred and fifty kids in ONLY grades 7 & 8. I am sure I will be fine though. But the school is so big, that I am pretty confident I will get lost that first day and will never be seen again. So if you would like to have some of my stuff, call me and we can chat a little before I disappear forever.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


hey I got some new stuff to add on to my already wonderful blog (hehehe). Around once a week I will add a post with information on random topics. It will be very informational! (I am so sorry for any... *shudder*... learning you may experience while reading!) So now some of the polls will be about which topics I will do. There will always be three topics listed that i could write about, and one option will be.... DRUM ROLL, PLEASE!.......... The Wheel of Random Topics!, which will have different random topis on it and i will spin it to choose. WEEEEEE! i like spinning things!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, its probably only two or three people going to read this, but still....
So, I am having a fantabulous summer how about u? I am LOVIN freedom to do stuff! YAY!!!!
What is ur favourite thing about summer???? answer the ONE thing about summer u love most, and then tell me what thing is MY favourite thing about summer! The first one to answer both correctly, wins a prize! YAY PRIZES!!!!
So thast pretty much it. comment if u have any ideas on what to write about.

Friday, July 10, 2009

IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys,
I am finally able to use the computer again!! Yes! All is good in the world! Okay then, that was weird. So we are settling in and enjoying the salt water pool(oooh aaaaah). I am kinda bored so you if you could suggest what I could write about, or just comment and talk to me and stuff that would be great!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The End.. Or Maybe Just The Beginning

We got our huge U-HAUL truck yesterday and it is almost completely packed up. We will throw in the rest of our junk today and at some point hit the road for the final time. *sighs* It feels like it is the end of a 'chapter' of my 'life story', but also the beginning of another one. It is sad about all these things and people I will probably either never see again, or not for a very long while. But don't worry friends, I will never forget about you and I will try my very hardest to see you all again. I wish all the people I am leaving behind a great Grade 8, some hip high school years, and a fantastical future. Good bye, hopefully not for the last time.
P.S I will not have internet for as long as 10 days from now (but hopefully I will have it sooner than that) so my next post might not be for a while.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Can you believe it? The infamous Michael Jackson died yesterday!! Apparently, he had a heart attack. He, at some point was in the hospital, but my sources can not tell me whether or not he was still alive at that point or no. Although he is dead, I must believe that his creepiness has a place in our hearts and we should hold on to that. His creepiness (and his nose) will live on forever. This has been Emily G. on Action Flash News. LOL Not! Okay. So this really has been my informational/funny post. Hope you enjoyed the cross.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hey guys,
WHAT TIME IS IT? SUMMER TIME! Yes, my friends, summer is now here, and I hope you are as excited for it as I am(If that is possible). Here is a list of all the things I want to do this summer:
  • Move into my new house, and get my room all unpacked and organized (with the help of my Grandmother)
  • Try a new food.
  • Continue with my scrapbooking.
  • Do everything I can to learn more about screenwriting and being a screenwriter.
  • Make a new friend in our new town before school starts.
  • Visit my fantastical cousin SAM! And her also fantastical brothers, Luke and Jake.
  • Updating both my beautiful, brilliant, bold, bodacious blog and my wonderful, wild, wily, wondrous website pretty regularly.
I hope you have a spectacular, amazing, and extremely exciting summer vacation! I know I will!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Goodbye RWPS!!!!!

Good bye awesome peoples of RWPS!!!! I will miss you all SOOOOOOOO much. I remember the first day I got here, and it all seemed so surreal. And now again that I am moving, it is surreal too. I cant imagine my life without you guys. Try not to miss me TOO much. But please know I will never forget you all. You guys are in my heart and you cant get out(Haha! You are stuck!!)!I cant beleive I have to go, but go I must, so....
-a sad but hopefully hopeful MLE

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Screaming... And It Isn't For Ice Cream


Friday, June 19, 2009

Music Quiz

Hola amigos,
We are having another quiz/contest/thingamij! YAY! Okay, so I will write down the name of a song and you have to tell me who sings it. There are three categories, easy peasy, regular shmegular, and super duper hard. There are different prizes for each level, the best prize for the super duper hard, and easiest for easy peasy. The first one to give me all the right in one category wins it, and you can not win more than one category. So now that you know all the rules...
Easy Peasy
Burnin' up:
Nobody's Perfect:
Love Bug:
Getcha Head In The Game:
Crank That:
Get Back:

Regular Shmegular
7 Things:
Kiss The Girl:
Pocketful of Sunshine:
Let It Rock:

Super Duper Hard
I Kissed A Girl:
BB Good To Me:
Hot N' Cold:
So What:
This Is Real:
Keep Holding On:
Comment or Email me the answers for this quiz.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Countdown

Hey guys,
First of all I would like to thank all my special little fans out there who have read and possibly followed this blog. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Next, I would like to express my great concern as to the amount of events and such that will be happening in the next little while that I am looking forward to. In other words, OH MY GOODNESS THERE IS A LOT OF STUFF THAT I CAN'T WAIT FOR AND AM COUNTING DOWN FOR!!! Here is just some of the many things I am counting down for.
School ended!
Report cards went home!
Last time to say goodbye to my friends at The Village in... 1 day!
I am moving in... 2 days!
End of the year dance... BEEN THERE DONE THAT!
Graduation Band Performed!
Owning a salt water POOL in.... 3 days!
My dad's Birthday in... 32 days!(okay it seems kind of far away but it is just end of next month.)
And trust me, there is tons more of dates and things I have to remember in my head. These were just a few off the top of my head. *sighs* Life is busy. But now a lot of the stuff has already happened so it is off my chest. But still looking forward9and sometimes dreading) moving, saying goodbye for the last time, owning a pool, and my dad's birthday. Well, hope you enjoyed my little post of countdowns.
Au revoir, tout le monde!!! ( French for see ya peopolas!!!!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Anyone Got Ideas?

Hey peopolas. (My word for people.)
I am totally running out for things to write about so if you got any ideas just comment and tell me! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Okay, fine. Anything you would like to see written about, discussed or even mentioned just go ahead and tell me. You might just have your request granted. Also wanted to give a shout out to my cousin whose bday just passed. HAPPY BDAY SAMMY!!!!!! Ok then. Also here is a little quiz you can take to see if you know me.
1. What colour are my eyes? a. blue b. green c. brown
2. What is my favourite food? a. Pizza b. Chicken Wings c. Both
3. What is my favorite colour? a. Blue b. Orange c. Green
4. Which one is NOT one of my favourite movies? a. Stardust b. Marley & Me c. The Princess Bride
5. What is my favourite kind of music? a. Jazz b. Rock 'n' Roll c. Classical
6. What is my favourite website? a. Yahoo b. http://emstar-bballgirl.tripod.com c. clubpenguin
7. Who is NOT one of my favourite authors? a. Roald Dahl b. Gordon Korman c. Jerry Spinelli
The first person to get all 7 right wins a secret prize. Here is a hint: Most of the answers can be found on my website.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grade 7 Coming To An End

Hey. Have not written in a while because I lost my password, and user name, and the name of the site, so I couldn't log on for a while. Plus, it has been a super busy year. Remember how I said before that I had a great teacher and classmates.... Well, I guess it's true when they say "First Impressions are almost always wrong." Now, I don't know who 'they' are but I agree. So had an okay year. Interesting to say the least. But next year I won't be back at the same school. We are moving, so I will be busy for a while, packing. Especially since my dad has seriously injured his arm. (What's with our family and injuries eh?)
Well gotta go pack. See ya!