We are having another quiz/contest/thingamij! YAY! Okay, so I will write down the name of a song and you have to tell me who sings it. There are three categories, easy peasy, regular shmegular, and super duper hard. There are different prizes for each level, the best prize for the super duper hard, and easiest for easy peasy. The first one to give me all the right in one category wins it, and you can not win more than one category. So now that you know all the rules...
Easy Peasy
Burnin' up:
Nobody's Perfect:
Love Bug:
Getcha Head In The Game:
Crank That:
Get Back:
Regular Shmegular
7 Things:
Kiss The Girl:
Pocketful of Sunshine:
Let It Rock:
Super Duper Hard
I Kissed A Girl:
BB Good To Me:
Hot N' Cold:
So What:
This Is Real:
Keep Holding On:
Comment or Email me the answers for this quiz.
Come on guys, show me what you are made of!!!!!!!!