Welcome To My World!!!

Hi, whoever it is that has stumbled across my lil' old blog. This is my own little world inside this blog. I hope to try to include as many games, contests, quizzes, and more fun stuff that will keep you interested enough to perhaps follow my blog. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, or to email or talk to me about becoming a member of this wonderful blog! So enjoy my blog!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Anyone Got Ideas?

Hey peopolas. (My word for people.)
I am totally running out for things to write about so if you got any ideas just comment and tell me! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Okay, fine. Anything you would like to see written about, discussed or even mentioned just go ahead and tell me. You might just have your request granted. Also wanted to give a shout out to my cousin whose bday just passed. HAPPY BDAY SAMMY!!!!!! Ok then. Also here is a little quiz you can take to see if you know me.
1. What colour are my eyes? a. blue b. green c. brown
2. What is my favourite food? a. Pizza b. Chicken Wings c. Both
3. What is my favorite colour? a. Blue b. Orange c. Green
4. Which one is NOT one of my favourite movies? a. Stardust b. Marley & Me c. The Princess Bride
5. What is my favourite kind of music? a. Jazz b. Rock 'n' Roll c. Classical
6. What is my favourite website? a. Yahoo b. http://emstar-bballgirl.tripod.com c. clubpenguin
7. Who is NOT one of my favourite authors? a. Roald Dahl b. Gordon Korman c. Jerry Spinelli
The first person to get all 7 right wins a secret prize. Here is a hint: Most of the answers can be found on my website.


  1. THE ANSWERS ARE...drum role plz...:

    A., C., A., B., B., B., C.,

    Thanks for the shout-out, cuz!

    Luv ya,

  2. You got almost all of them right! You got one wrong, the one about my favourite colour wrong. But since it is both blue and orange, i will count it as right. YAY SAMMY!!!!!
    your welcome cuz!
    luv ya too,
    P.S. plz dont call me by my real name.

  3. I will give you your Secret prize when I see you next. If you are nice to me...

  4. Do you have any ideas of what to write about????
    I gave you one so now you gotta give me one.
    please??????? :( puppy dog pout.
