Hey guys,
First of all I would like to thank all my special little fans out there who have read and possibly followed this blog. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Next, I would like to express my great concern as to the amount of events and such that will be happening in the next little while that I am looking forward to. In other words, OH MY GOODNESS THERE IS A LOT OF STUFF THAT I CAN'T WAIT FOR AND AM COUNTING DOWN FOR!!! Here is just some of the many things I am counting down for.
School ended!
Report cards went home!
Last time to say goodbye to my friends at The Village in... 1 day!
I am moving in... 2 days!
End of the year dance... BEEN THERE DONE THAT!
Graduation Band Performed!
Owning a salt water POOL in.... 3 days!
My dad's Birthday in... 32 days!(okay it seems kind of far away but it is just end of next month.)
And trust me, there is tons more of dates and things I have to remember in my head. These were just a few off the top of my head. *sighs* Life is busy. But now a lot of the stuff has already happened so it is off my chest. But still looking forward9and sometimes dreading) moving, saying goodbye for the last time, owning a pool, and my dad's birthday. Well, hope you enjoyed my little post of countdowns.
Au revoir, tout le monde!!! ( French for see ya peopolas!!!!)